The story of KUBE Technology began in 2012 in Papua New Guinea. Director Greg Cooper witnessed the collection of filthy water by young girls for their families. The reality of seeing this in person and not on Television made a life changing impact on Greg. “Suddenly my life was changed and the goal of creating a reliable and realistic solution to this problem became my full focus” states Greg when asked.
The idea to achieve this goal of solar powered Reverse osmosis was floated amongst some friends in Wyoming USA and suddenly the journey began. Money was raised from some faithful and caring souls who shared this dream.
Greg’s longtime friends Ashley and Cindy Fuller became partners, along with James Josiah in Papua New Guinea, and so the process began to make something work that it seemed all said could not be done. Solar powered Reverse Osmosis without batteries.
To say this journey was difficult can only be described as an understatement. However, with the incredible response from often complete strangers and their offers of advice or assistance we moved forward. Like all good journeys should we often hit dead ends only to find the solution in the next person encountered. Special mention must go out to Stephen Tartaglia and his team at Lithionics Batteries in Florida, Harold Tan of Gigawatt Inc. and Eric Westerhoff of Innovative Energy. As leaders in their respective fields, offering first grade products and services, they are now part of the KUBE family and greatly appreciated friends.
Once the basic technology was developed the goal of improving it to achieve what was then “unimaginable” results was again the result of two incredible people. John Tulloch, a man that few words can describe. His kindness and assistance on this journey has ensured not only the success of KUBE Technology but the saving of, hopefully, many many lives in the future.
John Tulloch’s brilliance was transferred from emails to reality by KUBE’s Head Technician, Aurora Skinner. Aurora is no longer with us and so his legacy will live in in the technology he produced and the many lives he hoped he would save.
After 8 years of Research and Development and the implementation of several projects in Papua New Guinea and Ghana KUBE Technology is ready for the future and achieving the very important goal of saving, extending lives and empowering people out of poverty.
We look forward to working with businesses, organizations, and National Governments who wish to seriously address the issues of Poverty.