East Cape, Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea

The village ward of East Cape contains 205 hut/homes, 2 school buildings, an aid post/hospital, two churches and a fish/trade market.

No power supply, lighting or related services exist in East Cape.

Impact: East Cape Village now for the first time has area lighting in six locations throughout the village providing safe areas for public congregation, meetings, and market trade.

The Aid post now has access to reliable safe vaccine storage, emergency food storage, manual fresh water purification unit and fixed and portable lighting systems for use within and outside the aid post in emergency/childbirth situations and general operation.

The people and market now benefit from the Kool KUBE cold food storage system enabling the storage of food goods, particularly fish for market trade and safe food storage for consumption.

The charge stations allow for reliable charging of the 205 LightSticks and all phones and radios, increasing communication, education, and life quality, The LightSticks enable reliable lighting for all the huts for the first time ever!

KUBE Technology implemented:

  • One Klinnic KUBE
  • One Kool KUBE
  • Six Solar area lights
  • Two Charge Stations
  • 205 LightSticks
People under light